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Body contouring

Body contouring forms your curves to achieve a suitable overall body shape for you. It considers the body as a whole to achieve pleasing proportions. Various lifting procedures (on the arms, legs, tummy, bottom, hips or breasts) can help restore your slender, contoured body shape.


We can gladly advise you in a personal consultation about which individual combination of procedures would be suitable for achieving your preferences and expectations. Then you can feel beautiful with your curves.

Body Contouring

We look forward to hearing from you!


At our modern practice in Zug we offer cosmetic surgery treatments in a welcoming environment. Our patients value the individual attention and treatment we can provide in a private setting.


Hautstraffung und Körperstraffung in Zug

At our modern practice in Zug we offer cosmetic surgery treatments in a welcoming environment. Our patients value the individual attention and treatment we can provide in a private setting.

Details der Behandlung:

  • OP-Dauer 1 bis 3 ½ Stunden

  • Art der Betäubung Vollnarkose

  • Praxisaufenthalt 3 Tage stationär

  • Wunddrainage für 2 bis 3 Tage

  • Kein Entfernen der Fäden nötig

  • Berufsfähig nach 1 bis 2 Wochen

  • Sportfähig nach 4 bis 6 Wochen

  • Kompressionskleidung 6 Wochen


Mehr als eine konventionelle Cellulitebehandlung in Zug

At our modern practice in Zug we offer cosmetic surgery treatments in a welcoming environment. Our patients value the individual attention and treatment we can provide in a private setting.

Welche Eingriffe lassen sich kombinieren?


Plastische Chirurgie Zug

We will gladly advise you on any questions you may have and will offer you our full support. We look forward to hearing from you! 

Plastische Chirurgie Zug

Grafenaustrasse 15

CH-6300 Zug

+41 041 712 01 11


Opening times

Monday to Friday

8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

or by appointment.

We would be happy to help you

Many Thanks!

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